The Port of Barcelona tendered the supply and installation of a Videowall of LED screens for the Control Center of the Port Authority. After winning the public competition, Ruybesa began with the replacement of the old Videowall de cubes located on a wall in whose back room was the CPD. All the disassembly work was expected to be very laborious and the design of the new structure should be made in such a way that the screen would be coupled to the existing gap and finished with a frame.
The monitors to be used would be LEDs ready to work in conditions operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, system of a new controller and management software of Videowall.

Much more than a substitution
Much more than a substitution the entire Videowall structure was designed so that the assembly as soon as possible, maintenance and fi t into the available space between the wall and rear CPD room.
Before the assembly, a pilot test was carried out in which it was verifi ed that the Controller, Management software, existing applications, Servers, Networking, Configurations and the viewing of cameras worked as the client required.
Training days were then given for the new system so that the know it and learn how it works.
In short, it provided a new Videowall with a picture quality far superior to the existing one, incorporating a control system that allowed its use as a desk.