Ruybesa was awarded this competition with a solution for the obsolete terminal T1, based on equipment of LDA (digital amplifiers, matrices-processors, loudspeakers and microphones), as well as the integration through the application of SIME software. All the installation, adjustments and migration to the new system had to be done without affecting the usual service of the Airport Pager.
Ruybesa: solutions to problems
- The solution was based on digital equipment of the highest quality and latest technology. By means of electroacoustic studies we simulated what should be the optimal solution to have adequate sound pressure levels and intelligibility of the word in Terminal T1.
- Through the SIME application, the audio sources and their routing were managed providing, at the same time, information of the state of operation of the equipment (Processors, interfaces and amplifiers).
- Integration with TR was performed using a digital processor that sent the audios (cobranet) and control instructions through the multiservice network. T2 already had a digital megaphone with which its integration was at the physical level (exchange of sources) between T1 and T2.
- All the wiring of the T1 public address lines was done in such a way that the failure one or several amplifiers did not leave any area without a loudspeaker. The level of fault redundancy (electrical, equipment or wiring) was very high.
- During the execution of the project, the airport had to have the public address service fully operational and the migration to the new system had to be carried out minimizing service cuts: achieved goal!